The present day club has been part of the Queen Camel village life since 1948 and in 1972 an area next to the playing field was bequeathed to the village for a Bowls club. Although a small village bowls club, it is fortunate to own and manage the clubhouse, green and surrounding grounds.
Queen Camel is located about 7 miles north of Yeovil , close to the A303 on the A358. The Bowls Club is situated at the end of Englands Lane next to the village Playing field. The Club has its own parking which is at the back of the clubhouse.
Club History
Queen Camel Bowls Club has a long and rich history which dates back to 1948 when a handful of local people started playing bowls in the back garden of a local dignitary, Judge Armstrong. In 1972, when Judge Armstrong died, a piece of land was bequeathed to the Village for the establisment of a Bowls Club. Since that time and after receiving various grants from the Local Authorities and the Lottery Fund a bowling Green and clubhouse were established. Voluntary help from the members has always been an important factor in running the club and maintaing the clubhouse, the playing green and the surrounding area.
Present Day Club
The present day membership has continued running the club based on the guidance and constitution laid down in the early days. The outdoor seaon commences in mid April and continues through to mid September. Regular club nights are held every Tuesday starting at 5.30pm. Members can enjoy the internal Umbrella competition or just have a friendly "roll-up". This is also a good time for new members too get to know the club or for people to join us for a taster session.
Matches against other South Somerset bowls clubs are arranged as part of the Wessex Mixed League (triples) or as Friendlies. These are generally afternoon matches and take place during the week and at the weekend.
Queen Camel has a qualified County standard Coach who is available to be give an introduction to the game plus instruction on a one to one basis. The Club is affiliated to the Somerset Bowls Association and some Members are involved with the Somerset Patrons.
In addition to the outdoor bowling various social functions are arranged throughout the year. These include Quiz Nights, Skittle Nights and general games evenings.